The NJ State Knights of Columbus, made up of 350+ NJ Councils, raised and donated $10,000 to the Alzheimer’s New Jersey organization on Monday, January 10, 2022. With the donations raised through the Alzheimer’s State program run by Brother Neil McGarrity and Chris Tomasello Sr., the State was able to make this donation. Pictured from left to right are Alz. NJ Director of Community Engagement Pam Marusic, Alz. NJ Associate Director Nancy Wellbrock, NJ KofC State Treasurer Jim Sweeney, Alz. NJ President and CEO Kenneth Zaentz and NJ KofC State Advocate Russ Petrocelli.
In addition to this donation, the NJ State Knights of Columbus also donated $7,000 to the Caregiver Volunteers of Central Jersey for Alzheimer’s.
These donations are made to support respite care to those afflicted by Alzheimer’s.
Thanks to Neil McGarrity, PGK and Chris Tomasello Sr., FM, for their dedication to the NJ State Council Alzheimer’s fund raising program.