SUNDAY - MARCH 10, 2024 Registration @ 1:30 PM - Bee Starts @ 2PM MARY IMMACULATE COUNCIL #12769 Immaculate Conception Church Auditorium (Lower Hall), Parking & Entrance behind the Church 760 Post Place, Secaucus, NJ 07094 Phone: 201-867-7670 Web Our Special Thanks to COUNCIL #12769 for their continuous support and generosity! The FIRST-PLACE winner of each local Council's sponsored BEE MUST be an 8th grader! Your winner will be expected to be your local representative on March 10th! PLEASE NOTE: Spellers may come from Catholic Schools, Charter Schools, Private Schools and Public Schools. Home-Schooled spellers who have participated in a BEE may also compete. Any 8th Grade Teacher who sponsors a BEE may bring or send us their Winner on March 10, 2023! We will accept ALL Spellers, Catholic or not, that meet the requirements. Please check your Grand Knight's thumb drive or the Supreme or State Web sites for any additional rules & info. The TOP 4 SPELLERS from our RCANBEE will be awarded CASH CARDS ($100, $85, $65 & $50), sponsored by the Chapters & Federations in the 4 Counties of The Newark Archdiocese! Our 4 Winners will also have earned the honor to represent The Archdiocese of Newark at The FINAL BEE of The NJ State Council K of C on April 7, 2024 at the Church of the Epiphany, 615 Thiele Road, in Brick NJ at 1:30 P.M. Register at 1:00 P.M. Please email me ASAP to confirm your winning Speller's names @ [email protected] Vito Mazza, FDD 201-446-4072 Archdiocese of Newark Spelling Bee Chairman FOR YOUR SPELLERS TO BE ELIGIBLE TO PARTICIPATE, YOUR COUNCIL MUST BE FULLY COMPLIANT WITH THE NJ STATE COUNCIL SAFE ENVIRONMENT REQUIREMENTS! DD's - PLEASE follow-up with YOUR GK'S by email! The Universal Mission Statement - We're here to make good things happen for other people!